Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Look for less - Dr. Zoe Hart - Hart of Dixie

Last Friday I started watching Hart of Dixie on-line, and now I cannot stop watching. The series is great but I love the clothes Dr. Zoe Hart ( Rachel Bilson) wears. So I decided to do a little research to find out everything about her outfits, well does not come as a surprise that all the pieces are super expensive, so I decided to do some looks for less. Starting with the first outfit in the first episode
She is wearing Marc Jacobs shorts, Channel jacket and Valentino shoes. So for my look for less I decided to go to http://www.zara.com and there I found a really similar shorts for £29.99 (shorts) and a Jacket in the same style but different colour for £89.99, (Jacket), the grey tank top is the easiest of all of them to find, I like the gap for basics,  (Grey tank top ) for £14.95, last but not least the necklace similar to the one she is wearing can be found here : (necklace) for £12.50.

xx - B


  1. really great post, dear!
    she looks fab! love all the items she's wearing. but
    you're so right it's so expensive. thanks for sharing!
    in btw you blog is really nice! :))
    maybe you'll have a look on mine as well?!



    1. Thnak you, it means a lot to me :)
      you are the fist person ever to visit/ comment in here, and made me really happy, so thank you! :)
      I'll defiantly check your blog out.


  2. Thanks! You should do more from Hart of Dixie!
